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The Key Elements of Good 3D Rendering Design

Manish Pathak Manish Pathak September 15, 2021
The Key Elements of Good 3D Rendering Design - Banner

3D rendering design is the process of creating 3D models through the use of computers and 3D rendering software. 3D rendering allows an artist to create a detailed and realistic likeness of a subject in 3D, allowing viewers to inspect all angles of the subject, detail-by-detail. 3D rendering is generally used in architecture, engineering, video games, animations, movies, and even virtual tours. 

While there are multiple ways to create a 3D model, the way the end product looks is often what matters most. But what makes for good 3D rendering design? In this article, we will be describing a few key things that you have to keep in mind when making 3D models. 

Depicting and Outlining the Idea 

The subject and how its model should look like are just a few of the important things that you must list down before you begin the 3D rendering process. First, you must scrutinize your subject carefully, then conceptualize your 3D model, and then proceed to creating the model. Everything depends on the vision that you’re trying to convert into a digitized sketch. 

Choose Your 3D Modeling Software 

After finishing the idea, you must identify the 3D modeling software that you will be using. There are a lot of options in the market today, including Maya, Houdini, ZBrush, etc., and some of them are used for specific purposes. Knowing what 3D modeling software to use for your project will help you create the model you want more efficiently.  

The 3D Modeling Process 

Now that you’re all set, you may now begin building the whole model. Depending on the object you are going to recreate, you must choose the right shapes, patterns, background, and in some cases the amount of color and/or lighting. Texture is also vital 3D models, as it greatly influences the overall appearance of a model. 

The Final Output 

Once everything’s polished, your final model must result into something a viewer wants to experience beyond the 3D model that they’re seeing. This is exactly the reason why the overall aesthetic of your model is important. As long your model represents your vision accurately, and accomplishes the purpose for which you made it, you may consider your project a success.  

These are a very general overview of what you need to consider before creating a 3D model. Now, if you are looking for recommendations on the best 3D modeling software available, let us know so we can create an article about it in the future. But for now, we hope that this article helps you in your mission to create awesome 3D models.

Manish Pathak is a Technical Lead-II at Intelegencia. When he is not working, you can find him playing Table Tennis.


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