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The Best SEO Copywriting Tools to Rank Your Content on Google

Angelika Tirona Angelika Tirona December 23, 2020
The Best SEO Copywriting Tools to Rank Your Content on Google - Both

Google has long been the playing field for digital marketing. Its advanced algorithm and impressive recommendation systems make it a priority for anyone who wants to gather clicks.

Of course, with its popularity came a tight competition among the millions of businesses clamoring for the first-page spots of search results. Good content can take you places, but it’s not all there is to rank on Google.

SEO Writing CycleSeo Writing Cycle

Add in keyword research, optimized tags, and a ton of extra steps before you can expect to see your content on the first page. It may seem a bit complicated, but SEO copywriting tools are the savior for many copywriters (apart from looking up articles on Copywriting for Dummies).

Take a look at the best tools that can take care of your optimization for you.

  1. SEMrush Writing Assistant

SEMrush has an incredible reputation in the digital marketing field for its reliability and complex features. Its Writing Assistant tool is a beast of its own – offering content advice in SEO, content originality, tone of voice, and even readability. More than that, it also looks at the technical side of your content, such as target keywords.

  1. Yoast Real-Time Content Analysis

Another popular tool is Yoast’s Content Analysis software that’s considered the easiest SEO tool on the market. Create and edit your content as the tool gives you real-time scores and SERP previews for easy revision. Many look at it as the best “on-the-fly” text analysis program.

  1. WebSite Auditor’s Content Editor

Content Editor is all about monitoring your work while you do it. The interface displays your meta title and description previews, a list of your competitors, and analysis on your HTML tags. It even has a keyword counter fixed on the screen for monitoring. You’re presented with possible SEO issues and the best ways to solve it as you go along your content.

  1. KWFinder

Content is just plain old content until you plug in all your SEO values. For writers, it can be quite a challenge to switch from regular articles to optimized copies. SEO copywriting tools like KWFinder are the perfect option for newbie SEO writers because it goes beyond simple keyword suggestions. It offers in-depth data like search volume, keyword popularity, and even cost-per-click (CPC) costs. 

  1. Answer The Public

What else could you write about when everyone has already written about almost everything? Conceptualizing new topics for your business can be a pain, especially when you find out that your award-winning ideas aren’t so original after all. Answer The Public is an excellent keyword tool that can list down popular search questions and autocomplete searches. From its comprehensive list, you’ll find a ton of potential blog or content topics that are sure to boost your chances of ranking. 

  1. Grammarly

SEO writing takes up more time and effort than regular writing because there’s so much to consider. It’s easy to get overwhelmed by the heaps of requirements and fall into the trap of incorrect grammar. Just as you would use SEO copywriting tools for your optimization, try out Grammarly for spell-checking and grammar-refining. It’s a grammar expert right at your disposal.

Angelika Tirona is a Content Writer at Intelegencia. When she is not working, you can find her trying out new restaurants and dishes


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